Good Morning and Happy Monday!
Can I be candid with you? It’s a little difficult for me to get started this week. The skies just let loose a torrent of rain, casting a dull gray veil on what would otherwise be vibrant greens, purples, and reds. Hmm.. Interesting.
You see, for a while now, I have felt like those vibrant spring colors. I’ve been in an impenetrable bubble of God’s favor. As He and His favor flows through me, around me, and before me, I am like a giddy little kid. I love to see His favor abound.
But as I talk to more and more people about God’s favor, I am confronted with the conundrum that for many favor sounds great, but their struggles are real, their hearts are heavy, and their hope has all but disappeared.
Where is favor then? Can we only experience it when things are going our way?
Well, as I write this, I want to share with you, I am having to answer that question personally.
I recently became aware that a person who matters much to me deceived me, and it hurt. Badly. And it still does. I was reminded of many conversations I’ve had with others who don’t know what to do with such pain.
Where is favor when your heart is broken, when your trust is violated, when you feel so betrayed that you can’t stop crying?
I almost did not write you. How can I encourage you with a Monday morning zing, when I feel so zapped?
Because the truth is, God is good, and He has an answer. Even as I write this, it is coming.
I see there’s only one thing to do: ASK.
“Lord, do you have a word for me? My heart is aching and I’m drawing blanks here.”
Yes, He does …. And here it is:
“Let not mercy and truth forsake you;
Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart,
And so, find favor and high esteem
In the sight of God and man.” (Prov 3:3-4)
Oh yes, refreshment to my soul and music to my ears.
There is a reservoir of mercy and truth within us. Like the colors of spring, they are there, in brilliant display, but the heavy rains can so obscure their vibrancy.
God is now showing me that during times of heaviness and pain, we need mercy for others and ourselves more than ever. We have been forgiven of all wrongs, and so, freedom lies in doing the same for others. I must tap into His mercy.
This is also not the time to forsake, or resist His truth. And what is that when we are in pain?
God loves us, we are special and important to Him, and even in this situation, He has a favorable outcome that He can and WILL work in our hearts and often, in the hearts others.
That is a powerful aspect of His favor!
Though people fail us, we can depend on Him. He is the lover of our souls. With that love He freely gives to us, we can in turn love the ones who hurt us.
As I meditate on this verse, and ask the Lord to deepen it within me, I notice my soul lifting, my hope being restored, and His love consuming me. I am rediscovering this rich deposit of His favor and freedom is flooding my heart.
I can count on a favorable outcome of His design. Oh, happy day!
Say … will you look at that. The sun has come out … the gray is gone… it is glorious. Have a fabulous week!
The richest of blessings to you!
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Good Morning and Happy Monday!
May I be candid with you?
It’s a little difficult for me to get started this week. The skies just let loose a torrent of rain, casting a dull grey veil on what would otherwise be vibrant greens, purples, and reds. Hmm.. Interesting.
You see, for a while now, I have felt like those vibrant spring colors. I’ve been in an impenetrable bubble of God’s favor. As He and His favor flows hrough me, around me, and before me, I am like a giddy little kid. I love to see His favor abound.
But as I talk to more and more people about God’s favor, I am confronted with the conundrum that for many favor sounds great, but their struggles are real, their hearts are heavy, and their hope has all but disappeared. Where is favor then?
Can we only experience it when things are going our way?
I recently became aware that a person who matters much to me deceived me, and it hurt. Badly. And it still does. I felt my heart break into a thousand little pieces, and wondered if it would ever mend and feel whole again.
Where is favor when your heart is broken, when your trust is violated, when you feel so betrayed that you can’t stop crying?
Because the truth is, God is good, and He has an answer. Even as I write this, it is coming. I see there’s only one thing to do. And it’s not to talk about it with a bunch of friends, (though I am thankful to have an understanding husband who is always available when I need him.) Complaining bitterly to others is no remedy for me, and it only compounds the hurt the more it’s repeated. For me, the only thing to do is seek the Lord, enter His presence, and ask Him for a word, a vision, a thought… anything. He knows what I need at every given moment, especially when I feel overcome with pain. So, I asked, “Lord, do you have a word for me? My heart is aching and I’m drawing blanks here.” And here it is – an old familiar passage, a perfect verse for me. How faithful is He! “Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Oh yes, refreshment to my soul and music to my ears. I realize once again, that within us, there is a reservoir of mercy and truth. Like the colors of spring, they are there, in brillant display, but the heavy rains can so obscure their vibrancy. God is now showing me that during times of heaviness and pain, we need mercy for others and ourselves more than ever. We have been forgiven of all wrongs, and so, freedom lies in doing the same for others. I must tap into His mercy. This is also not the time to forsake, or resist His truth. And what is that when we are in pain? God loves us, and even in this situation, He has a favorable outcome that He can and will work in our hearts and often, in the hearts others. That is a powerful aspect of His favor! Though people fail us, we can depend on Him. He is the lover of our souls. With that love He freely gives to us, we can in turn love the one who hurt us. As I meditate on this verse, and ask the Lord to deepen it within me, I notice my soul lifting, my hope being restored, and His love consuming me. I am rediscovering this rich deposit of His favor, and freedom is flooding my heart. I can count on a favorable outcome of His design. Oh, happy day! Say … will you look at that. The sun has come out … the gray is gone… it is glorious. Have a fabulous week! The richest of blessings to you!
Have I Ever Told You….You’re My Favorite!The Importance of Feeling SpecialGod wants you to feel special, and one of the best ways He does it is by giving you His favor!Not convinced?Why not reserve your copy today!Available May 19!
Wow, Dee. Hadn’t thought of it that way. That’s good. God has shown me great favor by your constant encouragement. Love you too!