What? Me worry?

Ok, for today.. Can we all agree that what we think about, meditate and focus on, gives energy to that thing we are focusing on.

If we meditate on negative what ifs, that is called worry, right?  The more we worry about something, the more we give life to and increase in the thing we are worried about.

Wouldn’t you agree, that is the EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE WANT?

Now, I realize that many times the things we worry about never, ever happen.  In fact, we often feel silly worrying because many times that thing we worry about has never happened, and never will.

Even so, our bodies don’t know the difference between a “real” worry and a false one.  Worry produces a chemical reaction in our bodies that without question, over time, produces harmful effects on our hearts, nerves, hormones, and immune system.

Jesus tells us to not worry.

(Mt 6:25 – 34) Psalm 37: 7-9 tells us to not fret because it only leads to harm and evil doing.

How can a mother who worries about her children be engaged in evil doing?  What could be harmful about that?  How about the economy and the scarcity of work?  How does worrying produce harm or evil doing?

Well, besides the harm to our bodies as I mentioned before, worry causes many of us to try and control everything and everyone around us.  It can also cause us to sin – steal, lie, cheat, envy, covet…. just to name a few!

Now, I know I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.  And I’m sure you don’t try and justify your worry by the magnitude of your circumstances. LOL.   But humor me…

First, how do we not worry?

We all know that trying to stop ourselves from worrying isn’t helpful.  We can’t stop worrying by focusing on NOT worrying. Again, we energize that which we focus on.

We further add “life” to our worries when we repeatedly talk about it!  Speaking about all the negative things going on in our lives adds further energy to them!

So… what do we do instead?

Well, I submit to you we don’t change our DOING, we change our FOCUS.

Again, what brings worry?  Meditating on and speaking about the negatives, the negative what ifs, and what we don’t want to happen.  As I have told you all before, I was the Queen of Worry, but I know many of you have shared that title with me!

I say, since we already know how to mediate, focus, and talk… why not meditate, focus and talk about what does not produce worry?? We all know we are quite skilled at talking, but we are also skilled at meditation, whether we realize it or not!

Let’s not use these skills to our disadvantage, but to our advantage!

So, rather than change our DOING, we need to change our FOCUS.

On what shall we focus, meditate, and speak?  What does the word tell us?

“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in your sight,  O, Lord, my Rock (strength) and my Redeemer.” Ps 19:14

Check back for…
What are those words and meditations that God finds acceptable?

By the way, thanks to those of you who sent me your breakthrough requests.  I will be following up with you soon!!

Always in YOUR corner,

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