Have you had enough?

Good morning!

Let me ask you right off the bat…. Have you had enough?

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting pretty tired of listening to negative news, what the gas prices are today, how our country’s going to hell in a hand basket if this candidate gets into office versus this one….

Yes, it’s true, we are in hard, uncertain times. Money definitely does not go as far as it used to and economists project it’s most likely going to get worse.

Most of the country is either scared silly or discouraged beyond belief about where our country is and where it’s headed.

How about you? Do you tend to get swept up by the anxiety and feel you have no choice or control in the matter? Or does the Spirit who is in you testify that you are meant for more? Is He telling you that doubt, confusion, and shaking in our boots is not the culture and heritage of God’s royal people.

If so, you would be absolutely right!

Recently the Lord drew my attention to Psalm 37 and caused me to meditate on it for about two months. I’m still chewing on the meat! This is a psalm where there are so many tasty morsels to strengthen and encourage us, but a couple of nuggets stand out brilliant as they apply to tough times.

First, you will notice that we are exhorted to not fret! (vs 1, 7 and 8). Well, most of us know that, don’t we? The word is replete with passages that tell us to stop worrying, don’t be anxious, fear not…. We know what we are not supposed to do.

But how do we not worry? What do we do instead?

Well, this Psalm has enough instruction in it to last a year! Look at some of these action words:

    • Trust in the Lord and do good
    • Delight yourself in the Lord
    • Commit your way to the Lord
    • Rest in the Lord and wait patiently upon Him

You will also note that each of those directives has a sure fire promise attached!

Why not meditate on those passages today and ask God to speak to you directly about what He would like to impart to you today? He is faithful and would love to reassure your heart.

If you received some insight, or have a thought to share, post a comment. Let’s get some discussion going!

To His glory and yours,


2 Responses to Have you had enough?
  1. Donna Girard
    April 6, 2009 | 12:58 pm

    Thank You Maryann for reminding us of the wonderful message of Psalm 37.
    So enlightning to hear what God’s word has to say about the subject. Our help indeed cometh from the Lord..

  2. Maryann Ehmann
    April 6, 2009 | 1:09 pm

    Yes, Donna…. it is hard to remember sometimes! Thank you for your comment, and may God’s favor flow freely in your life!

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