God’s response to complaining….

What did you think of this morning’s edition of Java, Jammies, and Jesus?  Did you get to meditate on those verses?  Did you hear or feel anything? Has God shown you anything?  Love to hear it!  Comment below!

4 Responses to God’s response to complaining….
  1. Lisa
    October 7, 2008 | 5:38 pm

    Isn’t it great we serve such a great God that He lets such things roll off His back (more often than we give Him credit for)!!! And all b/c He loves us & wants to encourage us to stay the course. I’m glad He has more patience than I do & is a gentler parent than I am! 🙂

  2. Maryann Ehmann
    October 8, 2008 | 12:03 pm

    Yes, it is wonderful!! Thanks for commenting, Lisa!

  3. Priscilla Bueno
    October 9, 2008 | 12:52 pm

    Hello Maryann

    I am privilege to have a friend like you. I have been through the fire and out of the fire. But one thing I have learn that as human we will always have something to complaint about. But it is the positive thing we do after we complaint that counts. However, I am uplifted by your wisdom, your words, and God’s revelation to you. I was meditating on the Lord while checking my e-mail, and I came across your page. You are truly a vessel of honor before the Lord. For several years now I have decided to roll with my faith and allow God to be God in all things. I am reminded about what the Apostle Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 3:3 ” THAT NO MAN SHOULD BE MOVED BY THESE AFFLICTIONS: FOR YOURSELVES KNOW THAT WE ARE APPOINTED THEREUNTO.” Therefore in view of this we will leave the complaining aside and go on to better things. Praise God!

  4. Maryann Ehmann
    October 9, 2008 | 1:00 pm

    I am grateful to be your friend too!

    You are so right! Now that we know God loves us and wants us to draw near when we complain…. what do we do next??? That is the topic of my next edition of JJJ!

    Have a great day, His lady of honor and esteem!

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