God Has Breakthrough For You!

Recently I had an experience I’d like to encourage you with.

Several of us went to a prophetic meeting at another church and had
a wonderful time of worship, teaching, and receiving some exciting
prophetic words.

After the service, on the way out, one of the participants came up
to me and complimented me on a shawl I was wearing. I loved the
shawl too, not just because it was hand woven cashmere, hand
embroidered, and gorgeous, but I bought it from a missionary pastor
after one of his trips to Nepal. I had never worn it before that
night because the weather had been too warm. I was very excited
that this night I could. To me, it felt like an anointed and
special shawl.

Well, it must have been, because without hesitation, I took the
shawl off and placed it on the shoulders of the woman saying,
“Here. It’s yours.”

It happened so quickly and naturally that giving it to her didn’t
even phase me. Except for feeling a blast of cold air once I went
outside, I almost didn’t even notice what had happened and gave it
no thought… until the next morning.

Now, I can’t say I know exactly why giving this shawl would be so
significant, but I think it is. I will share what’s been revealed
so far.

1. God’s nature is to give.
Throughout scripture and in our own
experience, we know that God is a Giver. 2 Peter 1: 2-3 say that
God has given us everything pertaining to life and godliness, and
through His precious promises, we share in His divine nature.

And what is that nature? To be a giver.

Now, this is not startling news to any of you, I’m sure, as it
wasn’t to me. Which leads me to point 2.

2. For me, as much as I have known that it is God’s nature to
give, and thus it is my nature, too, I have not always been a very
giving person,
at least of some things. I have had an easy time
giving my time, energy, heart, and money…. but, don’t ask me why,
giving away personal possession that I love, well that is not
something I do.

Ok, so maybe even that is not such a big deal. And so, what is?

3. For me, here it is:  Without my working at it, I had a
The natural giving away of my shawl was just a
manifestation of a breakthrough that had occurred a while ago. The
breakthrough allowed the free flow of God’s giving nature to flow
through me to bless this woman. And because I share in His divine
nature, I experienced no lack when I gave the shawl away.

Breakthrough takes down any barrier erected that inhibits the flow
of God’s powerful provisions and our true nature. I love and need
breakthroughs of all kinds.

4. How did the breakthrough occur? Well, it was part and parcel
of the revelation of favor. A revelation of favor produces
.not grind-it-out breakthroughs, but effortless
breakthroughs, breakthroughs that occur when you aren’t even

And, I guess this is the essence of my encouragement to you. Take
the favor of God seriously
. It causes profound and life altering

Please, I couldn’t be more urgent about this…. seek God and ask
for a huge revelation of His favor. It is only in revelation that
you will feel its impact.

If you are not excited about favor, then you need a deeper
revelation about it
. 2 Cor 5: 18-20 (AMP) tells
us God sent His Son to restore the world to favor! That is a big
deal! Paul urges us to lay hold of this favor! We are to be
releasers of His favor!

To help you lay hold as we are encouraged to do, I have written a
book. Many of you already have it. That’s wonderful, and if you
do, I would also ask you to do the exercises in it. God will take
you to the next step.

If you don’t have it, please don’t let a wimpy bit of money keep you
from experiencing more of all God has for you. I don’t say this to
make a buck, believe me! I just want you to experience how real
favor is. It is profound. It produces major transformational
breakthroughs. It also produces jobs, new housing arrangements,
connections, and lots, lots, more.

Who knows what your life would look like with an increased
revelation of favor?!

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