Favor for Weight Loss?

Recently I asked a group of ladies, “For what do you need God’s favor?”

One by one, they poured out their hearts – some revealing the dreams and calling the Lord had given them, others the desire for a job that paid well and they enjoyed.  But for a large number of them, they needed favor to get to their ideal weight.

Tired of carrying around the extra poundage, feeling discouraged and disgusted every time they look in the mirror or a picture of themselves, and even worse, having impending health conditions affect the quality and duration of their lives, some of them struggled with the desire to even exert the energy to — one more time, try and lose the weight.

Now, I know I’m only 10-15% overweight, and so, some may disqualify me from speaking on the subject, but I am heavier than I ever have been before, and it’s not comfortable.  I don’t like feeling the formation of a tire or two, around my belly.  And while my health is still excellent, at the rate I’m going, jumping to the next size in clothing …. again … will be the least of my worries.  Losing 15- 20 pounds would make me feel oh, so much better!

And yet, every time I have tried to lose weight in the past, it becomes a focus, and the more I focus on my weight, the more weight I put on!  If I have been successful in losing it, the weight eventually finds its way back to my body bringing added reinforcement with it.

Can anyone say, “Amen?”

So, for me and others, I asked the Lord, “Does your favor work for weight loss?” I knew the answer had to be, “yes,” but I needed revelation on how.

Well, His answer is unfolding.  I have noticed that when the Lord is beginning a a new work, or providing a fresh way to an old problem, His answer rarely starts with a list of to-dos … but rather, a meditation on an overall perspective … some attitude or truth to apprehend before actually designing an action plan.

So here’s what He gave me:

“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of ALL grace – Who imparts ALL blessing and FAVOR – Who has called you to His OWN eternal glory in Christ Jesus, WILL HIMSELF COMPLETE and MAKE YOU WHAT YOU OUGHT TO BE, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen and settle you.”  1 Peter 5:10 (AMP)

God has given this verse to my husband and I a lot lately!  And it seems to apply in all kinds of situations, but I never thought about it in terms of helping us with our attitudes about our bodies.  And yet, more and more we hear of reports where pounds seem to melt off  people who are basking in the glory of God at a revival meeting! Recently a friend shared how she lost 3 inches around her middle this way!   His glory and favor can do that!

As I meditate on this verse, I am encouraged.  Maybe we can approach losing weight in the same way we approach our salvation …. by grace, not works.

Maybe we need to sit with this verse before the Lord for a bit, letting His Spirit have His way within us before we jump into the next miracle diet plan.

Maybe the favor for now is “the divine influence on our hearts, and the reflection of such, in our lives.” Maybe we need His divine influence to truly believe that, “Faithful is He who calls us, who will also do it.”  (1 Thess 5:24)

Being full of that truth, maybe this process would be so much easier.

So,  rather than me giving you my take on this…. why not sit a few minutes in contemplation before the Lord, asking Him to reveal to you His take on it. Why not write down this verse today, take it with you, or post it somewhere prominent.

And if you need the favor of God to help you, let me know.  I will definitely pray for you!

Part 2 coming soon!


2 Responses to Favor for Weight Loss?
  1. Tracy Hurst
    August 2, 2010 | 6:08 pm


    Thank you for your comment on my site…which led me to yours! I have been reading Smith Wigglesworth lately and he said something that hit home with me concerning our bodies or any natural thing of this world for that matter – he said that he was not even aware of his own body because he was so spiritually focused on the Kingdom of God. Oh this is my prayer. May all of our natural need (bills, weight, divine health etc) come into alignment with God’s Word so we can be kingdom focused. I believe that God wants to bless us with supernatural favor so that we can be focused on what He has for us to do! So let’s agree for our extra 10-15 pounds to come off for His glory. May we be so focused on God and His kingdom that we don’t even think about food or our body. As Joseph Prince states, “I can’t be He can.”

    It was wonderful “meeting” you and I pray favor and blessings upon you and your ministry!

    Tracy Hurst

  2. Maryann Ehmann
    August 16, 2010 | 12:22 pm

    Thanks for your insightful comment! Amen to “I believe that God wants to bless us with supernatural favor so that we can be focused on what He has for us to do! So let’s agree for our extra 10-15 pounds to come off for His glory.” I do agree!!

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