Ever feel alone?

Last week I wrote about John 17:22 and I wanted to delve a little more deeply into that.

If you recall, Jesus said, “I have given to them the GLORY which you have given to Me, that they may be one as We are one.”

We focused on the word “GLORY” and saw that it meant God’s infinite, intrinsic worth, His approval, splendor, brightness, honor, and praise.  That is what He gave to YOU!

I hope you actually spent some time meditating on that.  This is a word from the Lord that has supreme ramifications!

You know, we often talk about “giving God the Glory,” in whatever we do, not wanting to take credit, or any honor away from Him.  And that’s a good thing!  However, God wants to GIVE US the glory, too!  It isn’t a one way thing to Him.

Now, I’m not proposing that we have any true glory in and of ourselves, or apart from His glory, but sometimes, what I have seen in the Body of Christ, is we are so afraid of “taking the glory,” that we DON’T TAKE THE GLORY!

And if we don’t TAKE the glory, we can’t experience the ONENESS.

You know, I know a lot of lonely people: people who FEEL separated from others, alienated from God, and disconnected from themselves.

Could it be they have been taught, either through life’s experiences or the church that they are lowly worms, sinners saved by grace, or their works are as filthy rags? This kind of image is anything but glorious!

Could it be they are lonely because they don’t feel they can reveal who they really are or say what they really think for fear of judgment?

There is no doubt in my mind that embracing, meditating, and delighting in the truth that you are glorious, infinitely and intrinsically worthwhile, splendid and brilliant, would open up a world of connection, unity, and intimacy with God, yourself, and others.

Ask the Lord to enlighten the eyes of your heart to this glorious truth!

Before you go into a tough situation or a crowd of people that may not appreciate you, or you have a problem that looks daunting… stand in the presence of God, head help high, and boldly proclaim, “God has made me glorious!  I am a brilliant problem solver!  I am luminescent!  I offer hope to the world around me!”  Selah.

In your corner!


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