Before You Make That New Years Resolution

I don’t know about you, but this is a very pensive time of year for me. Christmas makes me reflect a little differently about our Lord and New Years brings a sense of increased hope and energy for what’s to come.Before I actually think too much about next year and what it will bring, I naturally think about this year and how did it mesh with my expectations.

In years past, I have to admit, I would experience a bit of disappointment.  I looked forward to the coming year because I really needed a change, a different attitude, perspective, or circumstances.

Being a bit of a high achiever, I usually wasn’t satisfied with what I had accomplished and typically felt quite frustrated with myself.

I would lose sight of how much God had done in me, through me, and for me.But this year, it’s different.

I began to notice a shift in my mindset last year, but this year, it’s been a whole new world. As I’ve sat daily in the presence of the Lord, He has taught me the art of gratitude and becoming exquisitely aware of His goodness and favor.

Anxieties and fears have literally melted away, and having savored that, I refuse to ever be imprisoned or hindered by them again.

Psalm 37: 4-5 says:
Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord (roll and repose each care of your load on Him), trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.

I’m sure for many of you, this verse is an old favorite, too.  But have you ever wondered what it really means and how it really works? I have.  Sometimes I have been in so much anxiety or pain that I doubted that it meant anything at all.

Well, if that’s you, maybe I can shed some light.

The first thing we have to notice is the word “delight.”

King David, the author of this Psalm, didn’t say,:
  • “work like a dog”, or
  • “sacrifice your first born,” or
  • “go to church religiously”
  • and THEN God will give you the desires of your heart.
No, David said,  “DELIGHT.”

You know, sometimes the English translation doesn’t do the Hebrew justice.  Here, look:

Delight (‘anag)

Strong’s concordance says, “to be soft or pliable, that is, (figuratively) effeminate or luxurious.”

Another Hebrew dictionary says, ” to be soft, be delicate, be dainty”
a. (Pual) to be delicate
b. (Hithpael)
1. to be of dainty habit, be pampered
2. to be happy about, take exquisite delight
3. to make merry over, make sport of

Hmmm…. interesting word!  This isn’t just about being happy with and about the Lord, but to be like putty in His hands, to be pampered and luxurious!

This may be carrying the image a bit too far, but have you ever been treated to a luxurious massage at a spa resort? When you get on that table, you’re pretty darn vulnerable, aren’t you!

Basically, you have given the masseus permission to do whatever she wants to you, and you are there because you KNOW it’s going to feel so relaxing, and yet so rejuvenating… and you’re going to walk out of there, slowly, with a content grin on your face, with the mental attitude… yeah… whatever… it’s all good.

I love being pampered in that way, no doubt, but I have to say, delighting in the Lord, and He delighting in me… daily, has had a profound, I’ll-never-be-the same impact on my life.  It supercedes even the most luxurious spa treatment!

Through delighting in Him, I have learned of and become established in one of the most pleasurable and effective truths He has given us … we HAVE His favor, and we ARE highly favored. This favor has opened my heart and mind to receive the desires of my heart, and not block them from coming to me.  God wants to give to us excessively!

As I’ve said many times before, we can actually hinder or even, block the blessings of God by feeling disqualified, unworthy, guilty about everything, or undeserving.
The desires of my heart have been to be in constant partnership with the Lord, receiving His love and goodness freely, and being a vibrant, free flowing expression of that love and goodness to those He has put in my path (including you!!).

As I reflect on this year, I see He has honored those desires abundantly through writing, speaking, and coaching.  This fits me.

As I reflect on 2010, there isn’t a hint of disappointment or frustration.  Yay, God!  I am grateful and excited for 2011.
I love being putty in the Hands of Someone so trustworthy, so powerful, and so FOR me.

If you would like that too, here is my suggestions for a New Year’s resolve.Make it your goal to DELIGHT yourself in the Lord.  Spend time with Him and seek His favor.  Ask Him to deepen your awareness of this gift He has freely given to you.  Let Him pamper you with this truth.  He came to give it for a reason.

Then, with a heart of favor, trusting in His goodness, commit your way to Him.  He promises to give you the desires of your heart and bring it to pass.  Whatever way it comes, you will love it and it will delight Him to do so.

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