15 Minutes with Tony Bennett

Well, was I in for a rare and unexpected treat!

You just have to hear the whole story to fully appreciate the workings of God here…

A few years ago, I was feeling quite down in the dumps. God was teaching me about His favor because He knew

that I was struggling with feeling inadequate, unworthy, underutilized in my gifting (which is a joy when it is released and appreciated), and thoroughly discouraged that I had anything of real value to offer anyone.

(Please send me a note if you do, or have struggled with the same feelings! I’d love to help!)

I had recounted to myself all the times I had failed, or when things hadn’t worked out as hoped, or…you know  you can paint a picture that creates futility or you can paint one that creates success… it all depends on what you want to see at the time!

Well, I was convinced that I was unworthy, and fie to anyone who would try and tell me otherwise!

Thankfully God knows us so well, and knew I needed a blast of truth, His perspective, on things, and so, He resurrected a memory, long forgotten.

I was 19, at a hemo-dialysis convention (yeah, you read that right!), staying at the famous Palmer House in Chicago.  Tony Bennett was performing in the dinner theater and we were allowed to attend.

Earlier in the day, I randomly (is it ever??) met a man in the elevator who turned out to be Mr. Bennett’s drummer.

He invited me to meet the star after the show. (Ok, so maybe his motives were less than pure.) Of course, I said yes!

As promised, this man came to my table, and escorted me to Tony Bennett’s dressing room. The other ladies at my table were worried, and maybe… a little envious?

Well, in my excitement, I forgot to put my heels on which had been killing my feet.  That wasn’t so bad, except my big toes had poked out of my stockings in a most noticeable way.

Not wanting anything to cause me to miss out on this amazing opportunity, I dismissed the shoes, hoping Mr. Bennett would do the same, and stood outside 0f his door, waiting breathlessly for the invitation.

My swiftly beating heart nearly stopped as Mr. Smooth opened the door with the warmest of smiles, obviously expecting ME!

Ushering me in, he showed me a seat at a table laden with choice sweets, snacks, and beverages, piling food onto a plate, coaxing me to eat as all good Italians do.

I had never experienced such sweet, hospitality, from a most gentle and humble man.  In his stardom, he treated me like I was the Queen.

This was a precious event in my life which I held dear until my religious mind dismissed this memory as worldly and meaningless, and thus stuffed it into the far recesses of my subconscious.

But God, who redeems and restores everything, brought this memory forward for me to prize, at just the right moment.  He drew out the favor extended to me, and said, “Maryann, you are worthy of the attention of kings, stars, and Me.”

I cried.

Since then, Tony Bennett has symbolized for me the special touch of God on my life.  I have hoped that one day he would know the part he played in God’s work in my life.

Well, a few days ago, I was at my dad’s and I picked up the weekend section of his newspaper…something I NEVER do.

In it was an ad for Tony Bennett coming to our area in just 2 days.  I saw the price and between that and the late notice I determined it was not going to happen.  (yeah, where was my faith??!)

The NEXT day, however, a sister emailed me, apologizing for the late notice, and asked if I might want to see Tony Bennett…  and at no cost to us.


And so, last nite, thousands of us drifted into a near dream state as we enjoyed the stellar performance of this 85 year old man who clearly wasn’t just singing to us, but expressing one of the primary reasons he was put on this earth... to delight and elevate the souls of men, in a most exquisite and humble manner.

As he treated us, I could only recall that day, 40 years ago, and dared to hope that maybe, just maybe, I could once again, now with my husband, go backstage, and spend another 15 minutes.  Heck,  I’d take 5.

Well, after waiting 30 minutes or more, it didn’t happen, despite all the favor in the world.

So, what’s the point?

Look at all of your life as a means for God to make you see yourself as special and worthy of blessing.  That is His heart and desire for you.

But also, I’m not done.  I will somehow, someway, spend 15 more minutes with Mr. Bennett.  I don’t know how this will happen, but I know there must be a way …. say, if you know of one, could you let me know?

Be a part of my campaign… “15 More Minutes with Tony Bennett!”

Thank you, friends!  May God resurrect a sweet and meaningful memory for you. Let Him kiss it and it will be one of the sweetest thing you will have ever experienced.



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