It’s trash day!!

Good Morning, and welcome to another edition of Java, Jammies, and Jesus!

As you know, I love my time with the Lord each morning. He clears my head of the debris I’ve unintentionally collected during the previous day. If we are out there working in the world, walking our neighborhoods, watching tv, or engaged in any activity that involves people, there are plenty of opportunities to get a little slime on us, or pick up some trash along the way.

Opportunities show themselves in everyday life! Sometimes when I work with a woman about her issues, her spouse may not understand that her confidence will lead to his benefit, and so he feels threatened and hurls a piece of trash at me. Other times I’m in the marketplace amongst people who are complaining left and right about how bad the economy is, or all the ailments they are suffering, or how rotten their marriage it — and I may buy on to the negativity myself and walk away saying, “yeah, that’s right… things are going to hell in a hand basket…” And still other times, the things I am hoping for are so delayed in getting to me, that I let doubt pollute my faith.

I know I’m not alone about this. We all collect trash throughout the day that wears us down, keeps us low, fogs our vision, or adds weight to our load.

Well, I know of no better remedy than to go before the Lord each and every day and express gratitude for any and everything I can. The bigger the clog in the drain, the more gratitude I need.

Then I ask the Lord to bring to the surface any negative thought that I have collected and show it to me, so He and I together can dissolve it, kick it out, whatever it takes… I don’t want it.

We live in the realm of the unseen Kingdom, but it is more relevant, real, and practical than the seen world. Paul tells us in Ephesians 1:3, that we have EVERY spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Now you may be struggling with your health, or your finances, or your marriage, or your job… and spiritual blessings may seem insignificant to your relief.

But I am here to say, that every thing real begins in the spirit realm. Peace is a spiritual blessing. A huge spiritual blessing! Our peace, or lack of it, will flow into our bodies and contribute to our health, good or bad. It will flow into our finances. At its ultimate end, a person who has no peace about finances will often lie, cheat, and steal… and even murder! So the appropriation of spiritual blessing is key to living life well.

Well, debris from the day before litters our path to peace.

Express gratitude, worship the Lord, and get rid of the trash with Him, and then….

listen to His delight in you just for showing up. Let Him, by His Spirit fill your heart and mind with love, and goodness, and appreciation for you! Feel His peace, and then… move through your day, taking periodic breaths of fresh air, knowing in your heart, that you are loved and well cared for.

This is Maryann Ehmann with another morning edition of Java, Jammies, and Jesus! Have a great day!

One Response to It’s trash day!!
  1. Maryann Ehmann
    September 10, 2008 | 5:32 am

    I loved this article Maryann.
    Keep up the great work & God bless.

    Darrell Wingerak, CA

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