Contrary to Popular Belief, You Deserve It!

Lately my husband and I have been visiting churches and enjoying meeting so many new people in our area.

One church we visited recently had the friendliest group, stirring worship, and an invigorating guest speaker.  Almost every church we go to has something favorable to recommend, and this church was no exception.

As I listened intently to the speaker, agreeing and nodding with his encouragement to us all, my heart and mind came to a screeching halt.

There it was again… every time I hear it, it’s literally like nails on the chalkboard.  I can’t even remember what was said before or after… all I heard was those blaring words we often hear in many churches… “Though we don’t deserve it … ” followed by some benefit bestowed upon us.

Ok, it’s true.  I get a little riled up about this.

Maybe it’s because through 25 years of counseling and coaching people, I have seen how this subtly deceptive belief of being undeserving lies at the heart of so many problems. It undermines confidence like few things can.  It anchors our feet to the ground when we are supposed to be soaring.

I also get riled up because God has done so much to make us worthy and deserving, but we continue to buy and spread the lie.

To feel we don’t deserve God’s blessings and abundance does not make us humble, it makes us impotent. And when we are impotent, we are not empowered or at peace.

And if we are not empowered or at peace, then we are child’s play for the enemy who wants to wipe our faces on the floor.

Now, I don’t know if this is an issue for you, but if it is, may I be a strong encouragement to you?
You are worthy and you do deserve the blessings of God.

Maybe an argument can be made that you did not deserve salvation and forgiveness and redemption before you received Him.

But if He died for you so you could have eternal life and kingdom living, then don’t you deserve it?

To deserve something is to be entitled to it, to have it coming. Jesus said He came so that we would have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows. (Jn 10:10 AMP)

If He came to give this to you, are you not to claim ownership of it? Are you not to expect it to come to you?  Was this a cruel joke?

Yes, I understand.  To say we are not worthy or we don’t deserve it often means, “I did not earn this great thing myself, therefore I don’t deserve it.”

Well folks, that is worldly thinking.  It is the world, not God, that says we only deserve what we earn ourselves.

Set your minds and keep them set on what is above, not the things that are on the earth.  (Col 3:2)

Think about it … Adam and Eve deserved to be in the Garden – because God put them there. They did not build it, pay for it, or work for it.  The fact that God GAVE it to them was all that was necessary for them to be entitled to it.

One final question:  for those of you who have little children, do you want them feeling like they don’t deserve a meal when you offer it to them? Or would rather they just come to the table happy and accepting and leave grateful and satisfied?

In Mt 18:2-6 we are encouraged to be as little children.  Receive in freedom and gratitude all that God has for you.

Please say with me today, and every day… “I deserve all that God has given to me.  I deserve all that He has won and all that He has done.”

Believe me it will give our Lord great pleasure and also open the door to even more of what He wants for you.

Please, please, please… purpose in your hearts to be done with this debilitating notion.  It is not of God.  Agree with Him.  He has made you worthy and you deserve His best.

Shout it from the rooftops!

In your corner,

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