You are Good Enough!

Do you ever compare yourself with someone else and you just come up short?

Do you feel like you try and try and try, and still you don’t feel like it’s enough?

Do you have degrees, credentials, and certificates that adorn your wall, but it still seems inadequate?

Do you worry that if you let down, or aren’t on top of it all, or doing it just right, then something bad will happen… and
you will have to live with the responsibility or consequences?

I know I have, and still am tempted to think all of those things!

When I graduated from law school, scored in the top 10% in bar exam results, and landed one of the most prestigious jobs in the state…

I was absolutely stunned that…

it still wasn’t enough.

The feeling of accomplishment was so short lived, I slowly spiraled down into a major depression.

Then I met God.

A cataclysmic encounter with Him and His love compelled me to give up atheism, and made me want Him forever…..
or at least until I discovered a standard of perfection that I felt (wrongly) was expected of me, and one I couldn’t
possibly attain.

“No problem! That’s what the Holy Spirit is for!” I was told. “Just rely on Him and you’re all set.”

Great!! Um… how do I do that, and why does it still feel like I’m not good enough?


It wasn’t until a thought, like a seed, was planted in my mind and heart, that things began to turn around…

God made me good enough.

… actually more than good enough… in fact… PERFECT! In His eyes, I am just perfect! (If you want to have a theological discussion about this, email me!)

Once I decided to believe that, God nurtured that thought in me, let it take root in the fertile ground of His love, and
eventually, I stopped trying to prove it to myself and others.

I stopped making my choices about pass or fail. I had already passed… with flying colors!

God didn’t want me striving for perfection. He wanted me me to accept it. Once I did, then I could easily live out of it,
have some real stress-free fun, and a life of freedom and fulfillment.

And, while I’m at it… bring others along for the party.

If you already know what I’m talking about, hallelujah! Isn’t it grand!?.

But if not, I know my saying to you that you are more than good enough, isn’t enough to make it true for you. You need
to be convinced by God Himself like I was.

And I would love to join Him, and affirm the truth and encourage you to check out this notion, if you do not already believe it.

If you do believe it, but don’t feel it or see it, then might I suggest … something is standing in the way of you receiving
that truth?

What we believe controls the course of our lives, and so spend time with the Lord letting Him deepen your belief that–


YOU ARE PERFECT IN GOD’S EYES, and that my friend, is all you need to know.

Bask in it.

Say it several times throughout the day… and let me know if life looks and feels differently!

Here’s to your best day and new week!


P.S. Would you go to my Facebook page and Like it?
Thank you!

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