Savor the wait!

As I write this, it’s a cool 93 degrees.  Yes, cool…. later it will be 113!  Summer in Phoenix.  Just where you want to be.  Normally we visit in the winter or early spring.  Not summer.

So, why are we here now?

Because grandbaby #9 is due!  Actually he is overdue by more than a week!

It’s an interesting thing waiting for a baby to be born.  As we all wait, we and our grandkids have been having fun swimming together, playing games, talking, thoroughly enjoying each others’ presence.  And at the same time, part of the joy of being together is waiting together.

Each day we wonder… will it be today?  Each night we go to sleep wondering… will it be tonight?    We all know that he is in there.  We can see him moving.  We can feel him.  Our daughter-in-law is all too aware!  She is so ready.

And while he is her body, we are joined in the experience of waiting for a joyful gift from God.  It’s almost as if the waiting is making the gift that much more precious and sweet.  We all have been tempted to say, “Is he ever going to come out?!”

But it has struck me, that we can savor the waiting knowing what is to come, will come.

Today I ask you, is there a promise of God for which you are sure and for which you are waiting?
Maybe you can savor the richness of the waiting, enjoying life and your relations, as you do.

Just a thought.

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