Doubt is NOT our friend!

Doubt Is Not Our Friend!

Good Morning!  This is Maryann Ehmann again with another issue of Java, Jammies and Jesus!

Lately I have been having a face off with an old familiar nemesis.  Of course it wasn’t really a face off, because that implies that I stood toe to toe in opposition.  I wish I could make that claim, but….

That wasn’t the case … at least not at first.

You see, as many times as I’ve encountered this skulking, insidious enemy, I did not recognize its presence.  It’s that quiet little voice that hides in the shadows of my mind that speaks words of negativity, disqualification, and limitation.  It’s a voice that sounds like my own voice.  I sometimes even agree with it, and add more evidence to prove it’s true.

Well, not today.  Fully exposed for what it is, doubt got the boot!

Sometimes it takes some quality one on one time with the Lord to get the real picture of what is going on!

Negative, debilitating thoughts are not His, and they do not agree with Him, His intentions for me, or  what He can and will do in my life.

But I also know that I can miss the good God has for me by doubting.

That’s one reason why I hate doubt!

It distracts, confuses, and discourages me.  It weakens my resolve and makes me really self centered!  When I give it an inch, I end up feeling burdened, heavy, and low.  Is it just me?

Well, James, (in his epistle, ch 1:6-8) seems to know a lot about it.

He describes it well… anyone who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.  He also goes on to say they are of two minds – double minded – hesitating, dubious, irresolute, unstable, unreliable, and uncertain about what he thinks, feels, and decides!  I think that’s a pretty accurate description, don’t you?

He knows my pain!

But then James says something that might be just a tad offensive:

“Let not such a person imagine that he will receive anything he asks for from God.”

What?  Wait just a minute!

Is He implying God withholds his blessings, or worse, punishes us for doubting?

NO WAY!  But I’m a little embarrassed to say that I once thought that!  It seemed so unfair!

But then I saw the sense of it.  If we are insecure, hesitant, and undirected, we aren’t very effective or productive.

I imagined running a race.  The finish line is up ahead.  I begin to run, but then I wonder, “Is this the right track?  The right direction?”  And so, I hesitate.  Maybe I stop, or turn and go in the other direction.  It’s ridiculous to think I’m ever going to reach my destination that way!

Have you ever done that with a project or new venture?  Seemed good when you started and then times got tough, or you realized more was involved than you initially thought?  Doubt.

Maybe you began to believe God at a higher level for healing, or finances, or a new job.  It didn’t come right away.  And so, you were tempted to doubt.  Maybe you didn’t doubt the goodness of God, but His will on your behalf.

Maybe the doubt is in your own ability to access God, His promises, or His word.  You hesitate.  Your resolve wanes.  You are now uncertain and no longer have the motivation, encouragement, or enthusiasm you had.  Instead, you feel tired, drained, or just numb.

Doubt does all of that.

In my next edition of Java, Jammies, and Jesus, I will share with you some fool proof ways to get out of doubt!

But before I go, let me encourage you with this:  Jesus was the most effective and powerful man that ever graced this earth.  As the Lord has been enlightening me at a newer and deeper level about how doubt affects us, He has shown me that He did not doubt.  Ever.

There is no record, nor can I even imagine it, of Jesus wondering what to do in a given situation or wondering if His words to heal would work.

We can be certain that when Jesus told Peter where to put down his net, He knew what the outcome would be.  We can be sure He did not marvel and exclaim, “Well, look at that!  It worked!”

Nor did Jesus  wonder if demons would really fly out of the infested boy at His command.

Even when He shed drops of blood in the garden, that was anguish knowing what was ahead, but not doubt.

Now, by God’s mercy, even when we doubt, He blesses us.  Thank you, Lord!  And surely, we are not to beat ourselves up for doubting.  Goodness knows there are many reasons why do.

But that does not mean that we have to live that way.

Rather, God helps us to grow in faith and live in the expectation of His promises and abundant life.  If He said it, we must take Him at His word and expect Him to be true to it!

I, for one, hate doubt.  I hate how it feels.  I hate its sabotaging effect.  I hate how I let it have its way with me.  I insult God when I don’t take what He has said or done to be true and real for me.

I thank and praise Him that He is gracious, and loving, and kind.  He never gives up on us!

Today I choose to believe God at His word.  If He says it, I want to agree with it.  How about you?

If you have an area of doubt you would like help with make a note here, or email me at

Be encouraged!  If you, too, want to be done with doubt, then respond to this blog and say – I’M DONE!

Next time – read HOW to put doubt in its place!  Share your what God has shown you!  Encourage us all!

Cheers to you!


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