Another Java, Jammies, and Jesus entry…. Dear Friends, Lately I’ve been struggling with this whole message of favor. I mean, I know God put it on my heart, and has been continually, relentlessly causing me to understand favor, see favor, appropriate favor… and yet… there’s this voice that haunts me that says, “You’re making too […]
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Good morning and welcome to another edition of Java, Jammies, and Jesus! Often I will get a word from the Lord that is not just for me, but for others as well, a word that I am supposed to share. But quite frankly, I don’t always do it. Maybe I hesitate at times because I […]
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Welcome back! As I said in this edition of Java, jammies, and Jesus, it is my passion and desire to assist you in taking your rightful place, in the magnificent throne room, where you belong, and in enjoying His presence as He richly pours blessing upon blessing on, in, and through you. Will you join […]
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