Ok, for today.. Can we all agree that what we think about, meditate and focus on, gives energy to that thing we are focusing on. If we meditate on negative what ifs, that is called worry, right? The more we worry about something, the more we give life to and increase in the thing we […]
New USA Today article discusses new book… Well, it’s confirmed… how we view God determines how we approach life! No kidding! Americans’ views of God shape attitudes on key issues “If you pray to God, to whom — or what — are you praying? When you sing God Bless America, whose blessing are you seeking? […]
I have a verse to encourage you. Remember when I wrote to you about God making you great? http://www.haveievertoldyou.com/you-are-destined-for-greatness Read from Psalm 18:35 “…. Your gentleness and condescension have made me great.” (Amp) I hope you all know me well enough by now to know that I never think our greatness is elevated above God’s!! […]
Recently I had an experience I’d like to encourage you with. Several of us went to a prophetic meeting at another church and had a wonderful time of worship, teaching, and receiving some exciting prophetic words. After the service, on the way out, one of the participants came up to me and complimented me on […]
I have a good word for you today! If you actually read it and implement it… it may make a profound difference in your life! Have you ever considered that you have seeds of greatness in you? Now, hear me out. I’m not talking some “power of positive thinking” message, but a solid biblical truth, […]
We are all God’s favorites!
Miraculous healings through the work of Iris Ministries and Global Awakening are the subject of new study to be published in Southern Medical Journal!
You’ll be lots happier if you learn how to tell God how you feel, what you’re going through, and live in the constant reality of His forgiveness. Stop feeling like you have to grovel before Him!
God has opened the door to His heart for you. He is the Source of your happiness. There is no restriction or barrier for Him. Don’t let your guilt and shame be one for you.