Wanna Get Happy? (part 2)

Continuing on…. So, what does lead us to happiness?

Ps 1: 2 says it plainly:  Delighting in God and His law.  Meditating on Him and His words day and night.

Now this may seem daunting, but think about it… who is God, but LOVE!  What is His law… LOVE!   So,  God has made things very simple for us, hasn’t he?  It’s all about love.

Love God.  Love ourselves.  Love others.

The difficulty most of us have is in trying to love others without first having a deep intimate love for God and RECEIVING the deep intimate love that He first gave us.

That is why being in His presence is so vital to our lives, our relationships, and our work.  I want to flow in love, not work at it, don’t you? And isn‘t being in the presence of Love, what all our hearts crave?

Indeed, all the studies done on happiness concur that having healthy, loving connections with others was one of the top contributors to happiness, definitely above money or things or even satisfying work.

But we are often thwarted in attaining those quality connections because the quality of our connection with the One who made us is often wanting.

He is the Source.

I spent years feeling unhappy about huge chunks of my life, and thankfully, God used that to woo me to Him, to pursue His presence.

And now, I happily admit, I am addicted.

Delighting in Him and His ways is easy, satisfying work.  He is now my counsel.  He’s the voice in my ear.  So much so, that I no longer avoid the ungodly, the sinner, or even the scoffer!

In fact, I often purpose to be smack dab in the middle of them!  How else can I form caring relationships with those who need love?

But this is not a job.  This is a RESULT of His love flowing in and through me… which is a RESULT of sitting with Him, not in the seat of scoffers, letting Him love on me.

So, Tip for today:  Seek the presence of God and let Him be your counsel.  Let Him be the voice you hear and the advice you cling to.  Meditate on, ponder about, and receive His love for you…. all day and all night long.  Do you think that will help you be happier?

Let me know, ok!?

Love to you all!


One Response to Wanna Get Happy? (part 2)
  1. Anna Rounseville
    July 18, 2010 | 12:41 am

    Maryann, I really think your onto something here. I had a Great reenergizing time with you and the other mainly ladies who were a part of the day.
    Anyways be encouraged!:) Anna

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