All of a sudden, there is was!


If you have ever thought about positive, elevating and empowering coaching with me, maybe this is the time to give yourself this GIFT! Though I am fully booked until 2012 and my rates will be increasing, you can get 2011 rates if you reserve a spot now! Email me and let’s set up a consultation to explore this option for you.  I only accept new clients if I truly believe they will get the results they desire. Another testimony (last week’s is after the JJJ post!)

My dear Maryann,

“Thank you” will never be adequate… Wow. There is so much to say but I praise God for the “coincidence” of finding you (desperately searching the love of God and finding you through Google!) … Through the love and passion you pour out to others, I’ve gained freedom in areas I never thought I’d experience. I’ve managed to find a complete change of outlook for myself and my life.

You planted seed for us. It is evident in thenumerous insights and changes and miracles that have happened in my life since my “encounter” with ‘Maryann Ehmann’.     Beyond a shadow of a doubt I believe that God set up that “coincidence” with you, Maryann, for a grand purpose in my life because He knew I was hungry and desperate and ready. Love,  Kaye (Bannister), former student and coaching client

I had an amazing experience this week!  It stunned and shocked me.     Some of you may not know this but in 1998 I was diagnosed with a  rare, untreatable, and progressive eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa, a disease that doctors said would lead to my ultimate and certain blindness.  In fact, it would happen quickly because of my “advancing” age.  (Uh… thanks guys)

That diagnosis put me on a roller coaster of emotions and stress that eventually resulted in a stronger, more developed faith… hallelujah!  (Ha ha to the enemy!)  

I have been grateful to God because I haven’t gone totally blind, but there hasn’t been any significant positive change either… UNTIL THIS WEEK!!!

While shopping in our famed Wegmans, (yes, the one Alec Baldwin loves), and carrying one of those blue baskets with both my arms … all of a sudden… I SAW THE BASKET!

Now, for those of you with normal eyesight… you might not think  this a big deal… but ANY sight I can regain is a MIRACLE! This is NOT supposed to happen!  What joy!

It then dawned on me that this is just the beginning!  I have had an expectation of full recovery for a few years now…. but now my expectation is at a feverish pitch!  While this is a small addition to my field of vision, it’s plenty enough to cause me to “see” even more.

Besides this good news, I also want to share with you what I believe God is showing me…  in order to SEE the manifestations of God on the outside, we need to SEE them first on the inside. (I’m not limiting God. He can do whatever He wants.  But this is a Kingdom principal that works!)

We need the eyes of our hearts to be enlightened, flooded with light, so we can know and understand the HOPE to which He has called us according to Eph 1:18.

I have been praying daily for years to have my spiritual eyes flooded with light… and now, my natural eyes are defying medical science and I get to see something I couldn’t before.

Please rejoice with me!!  The same is true for you!

Love, Maryann

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